When Others Talk About SCC
We've compiled a list of media, blog and video coverage of Safer Cycling Calgary.
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Mar 5, 2013: Calgary Herald: No-brainer cycling study puts responsibility for kids safety on all of us
May 16, 2016: Calgary Herald article and video: Calgary woman builds a business teaching immigrants how to cycle
If the video fails to load, try the direct link here
August 18, 2016: Calgary Herald (print only version): Walk, drive, bus or cycle... stay safe on the way to school
May 30, 2018: Get Kids Out Video Blog: Bike Safety with Ben and Ellie
September 19, 2018: Savvy Mom Blog: Here's where to go in Calgary to teach your kids to safely ride a bike
December 20, 2018: Avenue Calgary: 5 Tips for Bike Commuting in Calgary
Please note that as of 2019, SCC has moved away from the CAN-BIKE program. Our curriculum is now better than before!
July 16, 2019: Life With Boys Blog: Learning how to ride a bike! (Blog no longer exists)
June 17, 2020: CBC News: Calgary through the eyes of new bike riders
May 2021: AMA Insider Magazine Summer edition: What's Being Done to Boost Cycling Safety and Accessibility in Alberta?
July 2023: Calgary Herald: How to make Calgary's high schools more bike friendly? Two researchers tried to find out