There's so much to know!
Biking seems so simple, but there is a lot to know. We've put together some resources to help you.
Click on the topic you're interested in for more information (or select it from the menu).
- Overweight Cyclists: for those whose bodies don't look exactly like an "athlete."
- Different Needs: blindness, autism, balance issues or learning disabilities need not be a deterrent!
- Bike Maintenance: how to take care of your bike.
- Bicycle Helmets: protecting your most valuable organ.
- Did You Know? Facts about the law.
Also see our FAQs and Fun Stuff or sign up for our newsletter.
You can also request information on how to find a bike that fits you and serves your needs, or get more information on how to transport your bike by auto by emailing here.
Public Service Announcement!
Don't leave your bike inside an auto, especially in the summer, even if it's in the shade! The inner tube can get hot enough to blow up like a balloon, and this isn't repairable: you will need a new tube. This really sucks if you're on your way to a course. See below for photos of an actual tube that this happened to.
So, what should you do? Take the bike out of your auto when you park, lock it securely to a tree, bike rack, or other fixed object, and replace it into your auto when you return. Yes, this is a pain, but do you want to deal with an exploded tire, or two, instead? Please learn from other people's mistakes to avoid this. (You can also transport your bike outside your car, where the tires won't get too hot.)
There's always something to learn, that's why we say "you don't know what you don't know." Is it time to register for a course and learn more things that you didn't know you didn't know?